Ann Gillanders - My Career in Reflexology

Dear Readers,

My passion for reflexology has remained after 40 years of dedication to this safe and natural way of healing the body.  I was stricken down with polio at the tender age of 10 during the epidemic in the 50’s.  From being a very athletic strong young girl, great swimmer, I was flat on my back unable to move.   I feel that a little seed was planted in my during those long months in Hospital to become involved in helping mankind, whether it was a career in nursing or some other forms of healing, I was at that time unaware.

As the months went on I eventually was able to walk again with the aid of a calipher on my useless right leg, plus a walking stick.   I did nurture  my interest in the medical profession and became a secretary to Consultants at our local Hospital.

And so the years went on and I married and had a large family, four children in all.  It was my third child, Jonathan, who changed the direction of my life.   He, very early on in his life suffered from severe asthma and eczema and had all the usual treatments, creams for the skin.drugs to help his breathing, and lots of side effects to the drugs.

My brother Tony Porter, always had an interest in natural medicine and went out to Florida to study Reflexology which at that time was totally unknown in this country.   He returned full of enthusiasm for this fascinating science and offered to treat Jonathan, just to see if this treatment could help his very poor health.

The results were very positive and within six months of constant treatment of reflexology he was so improved and began to come off his medications and lead a more active normal life.  From seeing the results of this treatment, my brother encouraged me to attend a training Course in London which I did.

I can honestly say that on the second day of that course I knew that this was what I was put on this earth to do.  During the last forty years I have travelled to many countries of the world teaching reflexology, have a large practice here in Harlow, Essex and have written sixteen books on the subject plus two DVD’s.

My autobiography NO MEAN FEAT can be found by going into the Shop section of my website, may be you would like to buy it.







My interest in reflexology started some 40 years ago.  At the time I was a secretary in a local Hospital and was very detached from the natural ways of healing the body.

My brother, Tony Porter, had been out to the USA to participate in a course of Reflexology, totally unknown in this country.  He returned full of enthusiasm for this fascinating science.  At the time one of my son’s was a very sick child having suffered from asthma and eczema from a very young age.   Lots of Hospital admissions, lots of medications, all with unpleasant side effects,


Ancient Healing Secrets

